cercis canadensis การใช้
- The Texas redbud ( Cercis canadensis var . texensis ) is a drought-tolerant native that provides masses of tiny rose-pink blooms in early spring.
- The original plan for the Garden specified a row of eastern redbud ( " Cercis canadensis " ) trees running diagonally ( southwest to northeast ) along Vandeventer Avenue.
- This is when the redbud ( Cercis canadensis ) blooms in the same mountains and on the edge of the forest in Landenberg, and it, too, has made its way into the garden.
- A smaller Eastern American woodland understory tree, the "'eastern redbud "', " Cercis canadensis ", is common from southernmost Canada to Piedmont, Alabama and East Texas.
- It was a challenge to work Forest Pansy ( Cercis canadensis ) into my limited landscape, as its heart-shaped leaves and reddish-purple flowers did not fit in with my mixed tree border in the back.
- It preserves fossils dating back to the Paleogene period; unique flora, including Dwarf Ginseng ( Panax trifolium ), American Bladdernut ( Staphylea trifolia ), the endangered Redbud ( Cercis canadensis ), and Hemlock ( Tsuga canadensis ).
- The Texas redbud ( Cercis canadensis var . texensis ) in Kenneth and Cynthia Rusch's front yard stands 28 feet high with a spread of about 40 feet, making it a contender for the Texas Big Tree Registry, a program of the Texas Forest Service.
- The Caesalpinioideae are mainly trees distributed in the moist tropics, but include such temperate species as the honeylocust ( " Gleditsia triacanthos " ), Kentucky coffeetree ( " Gymnocladus dioicus " ), and redbud ( " Cercis canadensis " ).
- The "'Sunken Garden "', with lagoon connecting it to Lake Carasaljo, features a 17th-century marble fountain from southern France, a double marble staircase flanked by lions, and carved marble benches which are copies of the benches in the myrtle, and Eastern Redbud ( " Cercis canadensis " ).
- Soaring canopy trees, understory trees, shrubs and ground cover typically found in the Carolina piedmont, include hardwoods White Oak ( Quercus alba ), Southern Red Oak ( Quercus falcata ), Shagbark Hickory ( Carya ovata ), Tulip Poplar ( Liriodendron tulipifera ), Blackgum ( Nyssa sylvatica ), Sweetgum ( Liquidambar styraciflua ); softwoods such as Shortleaf Pine ( Pinus echinata ), and White Pine ( Pinus strobes ); understory trees such as Flowering Dogwood ( Cornus Florida ), Redbud ( Cercis canadensis ) and Sourwood ( Oxydendrum arboreum ); and groundcovers such as Wood Ferns ( Dryopteris spp . ), Virginia Creeper ( Parthenocissus quinquefolia ) and even Poison Ivy ( Toxicodendron toxicarium ).